Wednesday 8 June 2016

The Rhine valley

A view of the confluence of the Rhine and Nahe rivers at Bingen.
The remaining two spans of the Hindenburg bridge. This bridge, spanning the Rhine between Bingen and Rudesheim, was the subject of several Allied bombing raids. Ironically the bridge was eventually blown up by the Germans in 1945, as they attempted so slow the advance of American soldiers.

German architecture is very appealing and their buildings and gardens exceedingly well maintained.

The world's smallest chapel?

Gretel has not gone loopy (yet). She is listening to sap running within a silver birch tree.

The Rhine valley features a lot of grape vines and the river is busy with traffic. Note how dirty the Rhine is, with a lot of rain in recent days.


  1. Sao running in a berch tree? You can actually hear the sap?

  2. Ye of little faith. It is true. Sounds remarkably like Gretel's stomach when she has finished her black forest gateau.
