Saturday 23 July 2016

Bremen, Germany

Back into Germany, with Johan safely onboard, and away from the friendliness of The Netherlands. As Churchill said, "We will be back."

The purpose of visiting Bremen was twofold, to see the statue of The Town Musicians and to visit the Universum - a science centre.

The statue was somewhat underwhelming, although the architecture in central Bremen was inspiring with lots of lanes, steeples and arches. The Universum was a revelation. Because we spent two hours shopping and stocking our supplies at German prices rather than Scandinavian prices we only left ourselves two and a half ours to visit before it closed. This proved insufficient, as the centre was full of interactive activities that demonstrated scientific principles. We could easily have spent a full day there.

The Universum looking like a giant rugby ball.
Johan listening to his own voice in delay, after it has travelled through 100 metres of hose.

A scorpion robot

The characters in the Town Musicians of Bremen blending in with the scaffolding

Johan getting aquainted with a German Weisswurst.

Johan and Gretel think getting conned is a joke. They have just paid one euro to listen to a drainage sump play one bar of 'donkey music'.

We remain bewildered why they have windmills in Germany. There is no wind.

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