Sunday 3 July 2016

, Czech Republic

Despite many words lacking sufficent vowels and having an incongruous array of consonants, our first impressions of the Czech Republic have been very favourable. Friendly people, cheap prices, the best bread we have eaten anywhere (this is important) and lots to see. On the downside it was very hot, mid 30's degrees each day.

Veverska Bityska is a village with understated architecture but lots of other interesting activities and amenities including a free rock concert less than 100 metres from where we were camped, that finished at 1.00am (playing 1980's english rock), and a great cycle-way.
We met an Anita lookalike, Clara, who is training to be a pharmacist.

The main town square is dominated by an attractive church.

The cycleway wound its way through forested areas. Bizarrely we encountered a wedding party being driven in American World War 2 jeeps. We get the feeling the Russians are not that popular in this part of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Czech is amazing! Great beer. Great Cyrstal. Nizbor is very cheap for good quality. Best food. Watch the train stations. Very poor and aggressive sub culture. However, I can't imagine you two getting too close to anything but the attractions!! Enjoy:)
