Monday 11 July 2016

Struppen, (Saxon Switzerland), Germany

The area known as Saxon Switzerland, situated on the border of Germany and Czech, is in our opinion as beautiful as Bavaria. Great cycling, the Elbe river and quaint towns.

This far east in Germany we meet very few camper vans from countries other than Germany or The Netherlands. This lack of tourists adds to the appeal of the area.

Crossing the border from the Czech Republic, and witnessing the immediate difference in roading infrastructure and building maintenance, was a reminder of the effect of 40 years of communist rule.

Gretel venturing off piste

The Kongestein Fortress in the distance. The fortress dates back to the 12th century and has the distinction of never having been conquered in battle. It was used to hold prisoners of war in both World War 1 and World War 2 (Oflag 1V-B).
A close up of the back of the impregnable Kongstein Fortress walls. The sandstone rock rise vertically on all sides and the man made walls have blended in with the rock face.
Typical architecture within the villages.

A paddle steamer makes trips along the Elbe river to Dresden.

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